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Meruyert Seitova


In both pre-service and in-service teacher development, portfolios are used for a variety of purposes ranging from teacher education to development, stimulators for reflection and tools to plan and monitor competency and personal development. The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) provides a tool for reflection and self-assessment for student teachers during their initial teacher education. It also assists curriculum development and course planning. Thus, this study tried to investigate the ELT in-service teachers’ views on the use of the EPOSTL to promote professional development at Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, in Kazakhstan. Upon the implementation of the EPOSTL in the ELT department, seven in-service teachers of English were interviewed through the questions prepared. The data gathered from interviews were analyzed through thematic analysis. The findings indicated that teachers found the use of the EPOSTL beneficial in terms of self-assessment and self-reflection. According to the findings, it is suggested that EPOSTL is not only useful for pre-service teachers but it is also very effective for in-service teachers.

Keywords: portfolio, EPOSTL (European portfolio for student teachers of languages), in-service teachers, professional development, self-assessment, self-reflection

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Author Biography

Meruyert Seitova, Hacettepe University, Turkey

PhD student at Hacettepe University ELT department Ankara, Turkey.


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